Project 9: Portfolio


Project Corrections / Time Spent: I spent a good hour analyzing my brochure to see what I could do to help the gate fold. I eventually altered some things along the edge to help it close better. I spent the other hour looking at the event ad and montage. I ended up not changing the event ad, but I cleaned up the montage a tiny bit

Message: I want to showcase my work through the semester. I don’t consider all of my work to be the best by any means, but I feel like it shows how much I’ve progressed.

Audience: Potential client and employers.

Top Thing Learned: To keep past work to see how far you’ve come in case you get discouraged. You should sketch out ideas before you get on the computer.

Future application of Visual Media: I want to be able to take this with me into my career in video production.

Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic, grayscale

Title Font Name & Category: Lemon Milk – San Serif

Copy Font Name & Category: Ingleby Regular – Oldstyle

Thumbnails of Images used:black-wallpaper-10

Sources (Links to images on orginal websites):

Project 8 Brochure

brochure jpg2

brochure jpg

  1. Description: This is a brochure to solicit the country of New Zealand. They want people to come there, either to visit, tour or stay indefinitely. They want you to fall in love with the scenery.
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):
  3. Message:to solicit the country of New Zealand. They want people to come there, either to visit, tour or stay indefinitely. They want you to fall in love with the scenery.
  4. Audience: anyone in the market to travel or go on vacation
  5. Top Thing Learned: print multiple times
  6. Color scheme and color names: monochromatic, blue.
  7. Title Font Name & Category: Telegrafico, sans serif
  8. Copy Font Name & Category: Cinzel, serif
  9. Word Count of copy: 273
  10. Thumbnails of Images used: 4
  11. Sources (Links to images on original websites)
  12. Don’t forget to include your video presentation!

Project 6 Stationery



  1. Description: This is stationery for a movie production business called Grasse Productions. It is meant to look professional and crisp. The font choice is supposed to make it look modern and professional.
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I used Adobe Illustrator to create this. I used a variety of resources on Illustrator to make this.
  3. Message: I want people to see this as a clean and professional movie business.
  4. Audience: Those that want to make movies or those that are interesting in working on a crew.
  5. Top Thing Learned: How to better use vector graphics
  6. Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic, Blue
  7. Title Font Name & Category: SuiGenerisRg, Sans Serif
  8. Copy Font Name & Category: SuiGenerisRg, Sans Serif

Project 5 Logos


  1. Description: This is a logo for a starter company called Lem n’ Grasse.
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I used Adobe Illustrator to make this. I went on to search for an appropriate font and found what i wanted. I liked the font I chose because it illustrates the natural ingredients that we are built on. The yellow orange and green are the main color of most smoothies so we used that. It is also very simple and pleasing to the eye.
  3. Message: This logo is meant to get people craving a fruity smoothie. The circle in the middle is made to look like an orange.
  4. Audience: Those who like smoothies. The people that want a nice cold fruit smoothie but also want the benefits of it being all natural.
  5. Top Thing Learned: I learned how to use vector graphics.
  6. Color Scheme and Color Names: was going to use the big split complementary but i did not use the contrasting purple. I made a creative decision to stick with the colors I used. Yellow, Orange and Green.
  7. Title / Body Font Names & Categories: Fontastique, Sans Serif

Project 4 Montage


Description: An image that shows the importance and value of companionship.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, Steps taken while designing): I decided on a quote and then went on to look for the images I would use.

Message: to illustrate the value of companionship.

Audience: anyone in a relationship or wanting to be.

Top Thing Learned: how to blend two images

Color scheme and color names: Complementary, blue and orange

Title Font Name & Category: Big Noodle Titling Regular, Sans Serif

Thumbnails of Images used:



P3 Photo Design Project


  1. Description: This is a talent show ad for students at BYU Idaho
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): I used Adobe Photoshop and used the complementary color scheme along with alignment and others
  3. Message: To help student see the benefit of going or participating in the talent show.
  4. Audience: The Students of BYUI
  5. Top Thing Learned: Who to better use adobe Photoshop
  6. Color scheme and color names: Complementary
  7. Title Font Name & Category: April Fools’ Day Regular, decorative
  8. Copy Font Name & Category: Trajan Pro 3 Regular, serif
  9. Thumbnail of original, unedited image inserted
  10. Date and location you took the photo(s) 5/17/16 5:20 pm

P3 Activity: Photography


Light 1 – Outside


Light 2 – Inside


Focus 1 – Foreground


Focus 2 – Background


Composition 1 – Thirds


Composition 2 – Lead Room

I waited until I had a good afternoon sun before I started. I went out to the courtyard between the MC and the Taylor building using the EOS to capture my images. The capturing process was not too difficult especially since I had a good camera to use.

Using Photoshop was new to me but I definitely feel like I was able to make the images look the way I wanted them to. I really think I got a good contrast between the sky and the darks of my photos. I also think I used a good depth of field on my photos.

Project 2 Event Ad

Death Star JPEG

  1. Description: This is an event ad to get people to come help clean up the death star now that the rebels destroyed most of it.
  2. Process: I used Microsoft Word and two scanned images from Wired Magazine. I used the principles of FOCUS to make a simple yet visually pleasing image.
  3. Message: The message is to inform the empire that there is a cleanup at the death star.
  4. Audience: The members of the empire. Storm troopers, Generals etc.
  5. Color Scheme and Color Name: Monochromatic, blue with gray scale.
  6. Top thing learned: how to use Microsoft Word as a design software.
  7. Title Font name and Category: SF Distant Galaxy, Sans Serif
  8. Copy Font Name and Category: Arial Black, Sans Serif
  9. Scanned Images used: The death star, and Space background. Both from Wired Magazine. Both images were 2534×3264 when scanned. I scanned in the MC by the elevator and the lost and found.

Flier 1 Project


A: This is a flier for the graduate leadership conference.

B: I used Indesign and the principles of alignment and negative space to complete this.

C: The message is to advertise this event.

D: The audience is leadership professionals that want a competitive edge.

E: The top thing that I learned was to keep it simple.

F: Minion Pro – Serif

G: Corbel – Sans Serif